おしらせ / News
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- Oct-2024 小菅さんが,IEEE SMC 2024 で発表した論文が, IEEE SMC-JC Young Researcher Award を受賞しました. また,IEEE SMC 2024のBest Student Paper Award のFinal Nominees に選ばれました. Ms. Kosuge won IEEE SMC-JC Young Researcher Award for her research paper at IEEE SMC 2024. Her paper was also nominated as a finalist of the conference's Best Student Paper Award.
- Oct-2024 歩行安定性の解析に関する論文(Manipulability analysis of anterior and mediolateral dynamic gait stability of young and elderly individuals)が, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (Q2, Computer Science) に採択されました. 執筆者は,渡辺さん,岡本博士,黒田さん(卒業生),秋山博士(信州大学)です. Our research article "Manipulability analysis of anterior and mediolateral dynamic gait stability of young and elderly individuals" was accepted by Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics.
- Oct-2024 小菅さんが,マレーシアで開催された国際会議IEEE SMC 2024 で,Emotional Haptics に関する研究発表を行いました. Ms. Kosuge presented her study on emotional haptics at an international conference, IEEE SMC 2024 held in Malaysia.
- Sep-2024 卒業生の田村さんと岡本博士が執筆した,見た目も触り心地も良いテクスチャの最適設計に関する論文 (Multi-objective optimization of visual and tactile desirability of wooden textures)が, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (Q3, Mechanical Engineering) に採録されました. A manuscript on the multi-objective optimization of visually and haptically pleasing textures has been accepted by Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. The paper, titled "Multi-Objective Optimization of Visual and Tactile Desirability of Wooden Textures," is coauthored by Ms. Tamura and Dr. Okamoto.
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研究課題 / Rsearch topics
We study human-centered informatics including haptics, assistive systems, and affective computing and engineering. We call for those interested in these human-centered studies.